Class Prices & Details

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Agility Foundation (course)
Agility Beginners (course)


/session (per dog)


/6 sessions (per dog)


/6 sessions (per dog)

£48 (Main Site)

£60 (Winter site)

/6 sessions (per dog)


/session (per dog)

Who is it for?
All levels, foundation-advanced (not 1-2-1s)
Teens: 8 months - 1 year (or 8-18 months, if large)
Dogs 1 year+ (or 18 months+ if large) with little or no experience of agility.
Dogs over 1 year (or over 18 months, if large) with experience of agility (can do all equipment)
Any age or level
One off - on demand
Ad hoc - as required
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1/2 hour (but see notes)
Max dogs/ session
Up to 5 (or 4 for Foundation/Beginners)
Up to 4
Up to 4
Up to 5 (main site) or 4 (winter site)
1 (but see details)

Hover/ tap icon for more info  

  • We offer one taster session only to new (human!) clients.
  • Taster sessions are arranged as and when required
  • The taster session we offer you will be on a similar basis to the class or course you would join if you decide to continue training with us. See class/course details for information.
  • Taster sessions are not offered for 1-2-1 sessions as we do not require you to commit to a block of lessons. You can book a single 1-2-1 session to see if you like it before deciding if you would like more.
  • Young dogs in foundation classes do not do jumps, or any other equipment that may harm their development.
  • Foundation classes start with a course of 6 sessions, where your pup will learn the basics of agility.
  • The courses are progressive, building skills week-on-week, so we will not usually add anyone new to your course except at the very beginning. For this reason, courses (and tasters) can only be arranged when we have a slot free and enough people to run one.
  • Once you have completed the initial 6-week foundation course, you can continue in foundation classes until your pup is old enough to do full agility.
  • Beginner's classes are run as a course of 6 sessions to teach your dog (and you, if you have no experience) how to do all the equipment.
  • Classes are progressive, building skills week-on-week, so we will not usually add anyone to your course unless it's at the very beginning. For this reason, beginner's courses (and tasters) can only be arranged when we have a slot free and enough people to fill it. 
  • Once you have completed a beginner's course, you can join any agility class - but we do aim to keep handler/dog teams with similar levels of experience together.
We can usually find a space in an existing class for people who can do full agility. This means you can start (or do a taster) as soon as you are ready to.

If there are less than 5 in your class, additional dogs may join your class, either temporarily (if they cannot make their normal class) or more permanently.

If you and your fellow classmates would rather no-one joined you, that’s fine –we just ask that you pay a little more to reflect this:
  • 2 dogs: £15 per dog per session.
  • 3-4 dogs: £10 per session per dog
  • Please note we do not offer taster sessions for 1-2-1 sessions, as we don't require that you pay upfront for a block of lessons. They can be booked on a one-off, ad hoc, basis.
  • Your slot is not reserved for you beyond the sessions you've booked and paid for. So, if you book and pay on a one-off or weekly basis, your slot may not be available in subsequent weeks. If you want to be sure you keep the same slot, you can pay for a block of up to 6 lessons upfront after your first session.
  • 1-2-1 sessions can also be shared with another dog and increased to 1 hour at a rate of £15 per dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age can dogs start agility?

We do not allow dogs in full agility classes until they are at least 12 months old, or 18 months for larger breeds. This is because they're still developing until then so some of the equipment, particularly jumps and the weaves, could harm them if they were to do it before they're fully grown.


We do, however, offer foundation agility classes for younger dogs. See above and 'More about our classes' at the top of our main page for more details of these classes.

Does my dog need any particular training before they can start doing agility?

Strictly speaking, no. We don’t insist on any particular training before your dog can join our classes.


However, you will probably progress faster and both get more from the lessons if you have done some basic training. This is particularly true if you’ve used positive, reward-based, training so your dog is eager to do what you ask of them (expecting a reward!) and used to following commands you give them.


The following are a few things we consider helpful:


Recall is helpful, so you can call or gesticulate to get your dog to come back to you


A good sit-wait will be essential fairly early on, as you will soon need to be able to leave your dog at the beginning of the course whilst you move further along (this assumes your dog can run faster than you can!!)


It is helpful if your dog is used to following your hand, ie lure training to position them or direct them somewhere, as you will often use your hands to direct where you want them to go in agility.


Please don’t worry if you don’t know how to train these things – we can help you, and suggest ways of doing it! However, if you feel confident teaching them to your dog,  you will probably find it will help.


Also, you probably will find it helpful if your dog shows an interest in tug or other toys – for many dogs, a quick play session with you can be more rewarding than a treat!

Where do you train?

Our main location is in Marldon, near Paignton. If you click on 'Our Main Location' near the top of our main page, you'll find a map and more details about it. 


We do also have an alternative site we can use when we're unable to use our main site (usually because it's too wet to train in a field!). That's between Torquay and Newton Abbot.  

What times are the classes & what spaces do you have?

We run classes every day of the week, including evenings two days a week when it's light enough. What we can offer you, and how soon, will depend on which type of class would work for you, the slots we have free and when you're available. 


Weekends and evenings are most in demand. We're constantly working to make more classes available, but it  can sometimes be a bit longer before we've got a suitable slot to offer you if that's the only time you're available or you have very limited availability. 


Please see 'Details' under the information about classes above to find out more about different classes and how they're arranged.


Current Availability (as of 17 July 2024)

The availability we have is ever-changing as courses finish, we fill spaces or start new classes and people come and go etc. However, the following is the availability we have as of the above date to give you an idea:  


Foundation/Beginner's Courses:

We have slots available we're planning to run courses on once we can fill them on the following days: <br>


Monday: afternoon - 2 slots

Tuesday: early morning  - 1 slot

Wednesday: afternoon - 1 slot

Thursday: evening - 2 slots

Saturday: possibly morning - 1 slot

Sunday: possibly afternoon - 1 slot


Please note that we tend to run less foundation courses than we do beginners courses (ie for dogs that can do all agility). We usually have less younger dogs on our waiting list, so we don't have enough people who are free when we've got a slot as often as we do for older dogs. 



Spaces available as for courses above, as we may use those slots for 1-02-1s if we don't fill them with beginners courses, plus additional spaces on:


Tuesday morning

Wednesday morning and afternoon

Friday morning

Sunday afternoon


Novice classes and above (for experienced people)

We have classes with spaces every day of the week besides Friday at the moment, although this may obviously change if we fill them or move people around to make more slots free for beginners courses.   


We do try to keep people with similar levels of experience together, though, as it's not fair on experienced people to have to wait whilst beginners learn how to do it! That means we may not necessarily have a suitable class when you're free if your availability is limited.    

What happens if you haven't got anything to offer me at the moment?

Everyone who applies to join us goes on our waiting list until we can find you a class, and doesn't come off it unless you tell us you're no longer interested in a space with us or we don't get a response when we offer you places in courses or classes. 


We have courses finishing and people moving around all the time, so slots do become available quite regularly. Even if we don't have anything at the moment, it may be that we'll have something in a few weeks' time!


It can sometimes take a while before we have a suitable slot to offer you, though, especially if your availability is very limited - but it's rare we can't find you something eventually! 

What do I need to do to get a place in a class?

Fill in our form. That's it!


The form will give us all the information we need to determine what class you will be best for you, and we'll be in touch as soon as we have one to offer you. 


To find the form, close this page and click on 'Apply to join a class'. 

Is there anything else I need to know before I apply to join a class with Quintor?

Please ensure you read our Privacy Policy before you apply to train with us.

Attending our Classes

Payment Terms

You will be sent a 'handbook' when we offer you a class, and when we confirm it too, which contains full details of our payment terms. The following should give you a rough idea, though....

We accept the following means of payment:


Cheque (must be received at least 1 week in advance)

Bank transfer


We will accept payment on arrival (not cheques!) for taster sessions but, if you want to pay by bank transfer, you'll probably need to pay before you arrive as the mobile signal can be variable for some networks at our sites!


Courses of 6 lessons must be paid for (and funds cleared) at least 3 days before the start to secure your place.


Once you have completed two 6-week blocks of classes, you can either continue paying in blocks of 6 classes or we're happy to accept a monthly payment (in advance, payable on whatever day you prefer each month) if you plan to continue coming to us regularly for the foreseeable future. The monthly payment will cover the cost of the classes that are due to run in the following month and, if any classes you pay for end up being cancelled, the cost will be deducted from your next month's payment.


Blocks of 6 sessions are not refundable, but we understand unexpected issues can arise (on your part or ours) that may mean you cannot attend (or we cannot provide) one or more of the lessons you have paid for.


If we cancel a lesson:

You don't lose the lesson if we cancel it, whatever notice we give you. So we'll either arrange another time to provide it for you, or deduct it from your next payment for a block of lessons.


If you can't attend:

We ask that you tell us as soon as possible if you will not be attending a lesson.


If you give us 48 hours’ notice or more, you won't lose it and we'll find an alternative way to provide it for you. We do reserve the right not to do this, though, if it becomes a regular occurrence – we obviously couldn’t operate if everyone just decided whether they fancied it each week and we had to find alternatives for them whenever they didn’t!!


If you notify us with less than 48 hours’ notice, you forfeit that lesson – in other words, it’s payable but you lose it (although in some circumstances we may still offer you an alternative if we can - see the next section on Class Standards and Conduct).

Class Standards and Conduct

We will send you a 'handbook' when we offer a class to you and that will tell you everything you need to know about coming to a class with us - including about standards/conduct. 

What do I need to bring with me – for myself and my dog?

For your dog, you just need treats and/or toys (if your dog is more toy motivated), and poo bags. And, obviously, their lead! We provide water at our training sites, so no need to bring any with you.


Our main training field is very exposed to all elements, be that heat or cold. You will need appropriate footwear and clothing – including a warm and windproof coat if it’s cold. You may need the same for your dog too – ie warm coats in cold weather, and cooling coats in the heat.