Class Prices & Details

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Puppy Focus & Play
Agility Foundation
1 to 1


/session (per dog)


/6 sessions (per dog)


/6 sessions (per dog)

£48 (Main Site)

£60 (Winter site)

/6 sessions (per dog)


/session (per dog)

Who is it for?
All levels, foundation-advanced
Puppies (up to 8 months)
Teens: 8 months - 1 year/18 months
Dogs: 1 year/18months +
Any age or level
One off - on demand
Ad hoc - as required
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1 hour
1/2 hour (but see notes)
Max dogs/ session
Up to 5
Up to 5
Up to 5
Up to 5
1 (but see notes)

Hover/ tap icon to see more info.  

  • We offer one taster session only to new (human!) clients.
  • Taster sessions are arranged as and when required
  • The taster session we offer you will be on a similar basis to the class or course you would join if you decide to continue training with us. See class/course details for information.
  • Taster sessions are not offered for 1-2-1 sessions as we do not require you to commit to a block of lessons. You can book a single 1-2-1 session to see if you like it before deciding if you would like more.
  • Young dogs in foundation classes do not do jumps, or any other equipment that may harm their development.
  • Foundation classes start with a course of 6 sessions, where your pup will learn the basics of agility.
  • The courses are progressive, building skills week-on-week, so we will not usually add anyone new to your course except at the very beginning. For this reason, courses (and tasters) can only be arranged when we have a slot free and enough people to run one.
  • Once you have completed the initial 6-week foundation course, you can continue in foundation classes until your pup is old enough to do full agility.
We can usually find a space in an existing class for people who can do full agility. This means you can start (or do a taster) as soon as you are ready to.

If there are less than 5 in your class, additional dogs may join your class, either temporarily (if they cannot make their normal class) or more permanently.

If you and your fellow classmates would rather no-one joined you, that’s fine –we just ask that you pay a little more to reflect this:
  • 2 dogs: £15 per dog per session.
  • 3-4 dogs: £10 per session per dog
  • Please note we do not offer taster sessions for 1-2-1 sessions, as we don't require that you pay upfront for a block of lessons. They can be booked on a one-off, ad hoc, basis.
  • Your slot is not reserved for you beyond the sessions you've booked and paid for. So, if you book and pay on a one-off or weekly basis, your slot may not be available in subsequent weeks. If you want to be sure you keep the same slot, you can pay for a block of up to 6 lessons upfront after your first session.
  • 1-2-1 sessions can also be shared with another dog and increased to 1 hour at a rate of £15 per dog.

Attending our Classes

Payment terms

All classes are payable in advance.


After you have paid for your first two blocks of 6 lessons, we are happy to accept a monthly payment (in advance) if you intend to continue coming to us regularly at least for the foreseeable future. 


We accept the following means of payment:

CashCheque (must be received at least 1 week in advance)Bank transfer

Cancellations / non-attendance

Blocks of 6 sessions are not refundable, but we understand unexpected issues can arise (on your part or ours) that may mean you cannot attend (or we cannot provide) one or more of the lessons you have paid for.


We ask that you tell us as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend a lesson. If you give us 24 hours’ notice or more, we’ll offer you an alternative to make up the lesson you’ve missed. We do reserve the right not to do this, though, if it becomes a regular occurrence – we obviously couldn’t operate if everyone just decided whether they felt like it each week and we had to find alternative lessons for the weeks where they didn’t!!


If you notify us with less than 24 hours’ notice, you forfeit that lesson – in other words, it’s payable but you lose it (although in some circumstances we may still offer you an alternative if we can).

Standards & Conduct

Please do not obstruct gates/exits, or any other cars, when you park. At busy times at our main training location in Marldon, it can be easier to park in the village and walk 5 minutes down the lane to the field   If gates are closed when you arrive, please park outside unless you can open them without allowing horses to escape (there can be horses grazing loose at our site in Marldon). Always close any gates behind you that you open (they’ve usually been shut for a reason!)   Dogs must be kept on lead at least until they have entered our training area.   Please wait outside the field until the previous class has vacated (unless invited to enter)   You must pick up after your dog, and will need to take it with you (we have no poo-bins on site)   To avoid unfair distractions, please keep your dog on lead and away from equipment when others have their turn (unless invited to practice other equipment by instructor). We have seating in the field so you can relax and watch others whilst you are waiting for your turn.   We only use positive and reward-based training methods. Harsh treatment of your dog or training methods will not be tolerated. We will of course work with you if we have any concerns but, if we are unable to resolve them, you may be asked to leave the class (please note, any remaining classes you have paid for will only be refunded if we are able to fill your space).   Do not bring your dog to a class if they have any kind of illness or disease that may be contagious to other dogs, either those in your class or others through the venue*   We also do not allow bitches in season to attend classes with entire males (see also our cancellation/notification policy above) – it’s not fair, or practical, for any of the dogs!* *We do appreciate this will often be out of your control, and you may not be able to give us 24 hours’ notice you cannot attend. Provided you tell us as soon as possible, these are example of when we may waive our policy on notice and try to find a way to ensure you get your lessons if we can for example by offering that you can join a different existing class if we have a space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my dog need any particular training before they can start dog agility training?

Strictly speaking, no. We don’t insist on any particular training before your dog can join our classes.


However, you will probably progress faster and both get more from the lessons if you have done some basic training. This is particularly true if you’ve used positive, reward-based, training so your dog is eager to do what you ask of them (expecting a reward!) and used to following commands you give them.


The following are a few things we consider helpful

Recall, so you can call or gesticulate to get your dog to come back to youA good sit-wait will be essential fairly early on, as you will soon need to be able to leave your dog at the beginning of the course whilst you move further along (this assumes your dog can run faster than you can!!)It will be good if your dog is used to being directed where to go by your hand (ie lure training), as you will often use your hands to direct where you want them to go in agility.

Please don’t worry if you don’t know how to train these things – we can help you, and suggest ways of doing it! However, if you feel confident training these things, then you will probably find it will help.


Also, it's good to know if your dog is more motivated by toys or food. For many dogs, a quick play session with you can be more rewarding than a treat!

What do I need to bring with me – for myself and my dog?

For your dog, you just need treats and/or toys (if your dog is more toy motivated), and poo bags. And, obviously, their lead! We provide water at our training sites, so no need to bring any with you.


Our main training field is very exposed to all elements, be that heat or cold. You will need appropriate footwear and clothing – including a warm and windproof coat if it’s cold. You may need the same for your dog too – ie warm coats in cold weather, and cooling coats in the heat.

Anything else I need to know?

Please ensure you read our Privacy Policy before you book a class with us.

Collie going over agility jump