Privacy Policy | Quintor Clients

This is where we tell you what information we collect, hold and use when you join us and start training with Quintor. (If you are looking for details about the information we collect and hold about you when you visit our website – including cookies –  please see Privacy Policy | Website & Cookies)


Who are we?

We are Quintor Agility, a dog agility training company, and club, based in Marldon, South Devon (UK).

Quintor Agility Logo

The information we record and hold about you

We keep a record of your contact telephone number, your name and often (but not always) an email address. We'll probably also have a record somewhere of the name of your dog, not that this is actually relevant when it comes to data protection as dogs aren't covered by it!! 


Quintor may also keep notes about your training with us to ensure we provide the best ongoing training we can for you.


We do not use any kind of structured system, either manual or electronic, to store information about clients. We keep your contact details saved in our contacts, and other notes are usually just written in a notebook -  although we may record them electronically, for example against your class time in an electronic calendar.


Quintor may also hold photographs or videos taken of you during training sessions and events we hold or attend that have been taken either by us, or by our photographer. We will not, however, take photos or video footage of you without your knowledge. If you don't want any photos or videos taken of you, just let us know and of course we won't! 

The purpose of holding this information and how we use it

We hold contact details about you so we can get in touch and communicate with you regarding your class and training with us. 


We also need to use minimal details about you for accounting purposes.


We keep photographs both for our own records, but also use some of them to help us promote Quintor's services. 

Who we share the information we hold about you with

We take confidentiality and privacy very seriously. We do not - and will not - share the details we hold about you with anyone without your knowledge and consent unless we are required to by law. 


We do like to share photographs and details of our classes online, either on our website or social media channels. We will, however, make sure you have no concerns with this before we do it. If you change your mind, and would like any images or videos removed after they have been published, please just let us know - but you should be aware that it may still be visible in search engines after we've removed it (you may be able to successfully apply for them to remove it, though).

How long we retain the data we hold about you

We will keep your name and contact details, plus any other details we hold about you, for at least as long as you are training with Quintor.


If you stop training with us, we will usually keep this information for at least a further year in case you decide to return, after which we may delete it if you have not been in touch with us.


We will delete the information we hold if 10 years pass and we have not heard anything from you. We may, however, keep photographs and videos longer for our records and your photos may remain on our website for longer. 

What rights you have over your data

You have a right to receive all the information we hold about you. Please use our contact form on this website, or email us if you have our email address, to request this.


You also have a right to have any information about you erased, or rectified if it is inaccurate. Again, please just let us know if you would like us to do this.


Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about what information we hold about you or how we use it, please just ask!


Likewise, if you have any concerns about the information we hold about you or how we use it, please just let us know and we will do our best to resolve it. 


Feel free to contact us by any means available (eg this website, or directly - or even just speak to us) if you want to talk to us about any of this. We want you to be confident that your information is safe with us, and happy with how we use it.Â